Products groups
Group products
This command allows grouping several products, so that they are accumulated on the pickup, picked up by the gripper at the same time and deposited on the pallet in the same movement.
The groups created can be manipulated and moved as with individual products.
Increase your production 🥇
This function allows you to increase productivity and extend the life of the system by minimizing the number of movements to be performed by the robot.
However, it has its counterparts, since, by increasing the number of units picked up, the weight to be moved increases and therefore the inertia of the assembly.
It is also essential to check that both the robot is able to move the load up to the required distance, and that the hand can pick up the products safely, preventing them from being thrown during high-speed movements.
As a general recommendation and with a product in optimal conditions (compact, with a uniform load and weight distribution, etc...), the hand should hold at least 2/3 of the product, with a maximum protrusion of 1/3. These indications are indicative, check the technical parameters of the product, the hand and the robot.
The order of the elements to be grouped must be the order of entry into the pickup of the products to be grouped, with the Stopper mark at the end of the product that first enters the pickup.
Right and wrong groups
Below we are going to see correct and incorrect situations in order to better understand how the grouping option works.
Required product number signals (Robot -> PLC)
Different cases to understand how the interaction between the products requested by the robot should be and how the plc should manage the product input.
Ungroup products
To undo a previously created group, converting them from a multiple take to individual ones.